A Complete Solution for Parents and Students

For most parents, there are few things that rival the anxiety associated with wondering how they are going to pay for their children’s education without completely eliminating their hopes for retirement.

Two common causes of college planning stress are 1) little to no comprehension of what a college education will cost and 2) procrastinating on when to start saving. It's surprising how individuals who have substantial incomes still look at that college obligation sometime way off in the distant future.

Paying for college does not have to be so stressful. Planning NOW is the remedy.

The complete college planning solution assists families through the major life transition of sending your children to college. For many, it will be the most expensive time of your lives and, if not handled properly, it could cost you your retirement.

Top 10

The Parent Solution

A simple step-by-step process for parents

This process will guide the parents on what you should be doing throughout high school to make sure you don't miss a step along the way. Click Here for a full list of the Parent Solution.

The Student Solution

A simple step-by-step process for students

This process will guide the student on researching colleges, building a student portfolio, taking a career assessment and a lot more. Click Here for a full list of the Student Solution.

College Financial Strategies

Personalized financial planning strategies

This process will provide you with complete financial aid eligibilty reports showing you what college is the most financial feasable for your family while also making sure you are set to retire when you want to retire.

ACT/SAT Test Prep

Proven to help students increase their scores

The beauty of the self paced program is that you can build the work around your schedule. There is a total of 25 hours of preparation (each for ACT and SAT) that can be spread out over 2 days, 2 months, 6 months or even a year. Click Here for a for more details about the ACT/SAT program.

The College Planning Toolkit

Proving you a single place for your resources

This handsome kit contains valuable resources including financial aid reference guides, student and parent loan information, college planning calendar, scholarship information, reference websites and important strategies. This binder can become the focal point of an organized approach over the life of your college planning. You will find it beneficial to include visit notes, application copies, college correspondence and much more.

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